July 31, 2010

Which way to the 4H fair?

Actually I was joking when I wrote the title of this post, but I just found out that adults can enter into the veggie competition at the annual fair.  I'll check out the competition next weekend so I can be sure to be crowned the 2011 champion!!!!!!!

July 25, 2010


White and purple bell peppers, purple jalapeños, a million kinds of peppers, world's tiniest tomatoes, kelloggs breakfast tomatoes (orange), green zebra tomatoes, and more!!!

July 19, 2010

July 1, 2010


I'm leaving town tomorrow for 3 weeks and of course now everything is blooming/ripening full force. Luckily Farmer Nacho informs me I can actually freeze these peppers and save them for salsa making!

Not sure what I'll do with the eggplants. Road trip snack?

Hope my husband likes tomatoes, because he's going to be eating a lot in my absence.